Dreams: What Your Subconscious Wants To Tell You
Dreams: What Your Subconscious Wants To Tell You
Discover how you can intuitively interpret your dream symbols, and on waking use practical self-help remedies to recall the dream's message. You can learn to unlock your dreams and bring them to your conscious mind to process.
Explore the meanings behind some of the most common dreams, recurring dreams, violent and sexual dreams, Freud’s and Jung’s psychoanalytical early interpretations, archetypes in dreams, and the magic in mystical dreaming. Learn the practices of recalling dreams, lucid dreaming, dream journaling, and proven dream techniques that include active imagination, meditation, dream group therapy, and ancient dreaming.
How to Use the Book
For those who want to understand their dreams but cannot remember them, this book will motivate you to want to recall your dreams. For those of you who remember your dreams, this book will help you to take an active role in interpreting them and discovering the layers of meaning from their symbols and images. As dreams are a reflection of your inner world it’s essential that you, and only you, are the final authority on what your dreams mean.
Dreams help us enter our subconscious and ensure we return back safely.
About the Author
Rose Inserra is a published author, dream analyst, and researcher who delves into a range of esoteric topics to reclaim forgotten mysteries and traditions. She is the author of numerous books, including Dreams, The Gift of Dreams, Sweet Dreams, Dream Journal, Mists of Avalon, and Aliens and the Unexplained, plus over 60 children’s books. Rose runs workshops, retreats, and lectures and presents at Mind Body Spirit festivals in Australia and England. Her love of myth and Celtic literature began during her years studying for her university Arts degree, and she later taught English literature at secondary schools. She believes that fairytale, myth, and spirituality are all intrinsically linked.
Title: Dreams: What Your Subconscious Wants To Tell You
Author: Rose Inserra
Format: Paperback (304 pages)
Product Dimensions: 13.34 x 1.91 x 20.96 cm
Published: September 1, 2020
Publisher: Rockpool Publishing
Language: English