Manifestation Crystal Series with Vika Bradford - Week #3 - Howlite

Spirit Gypsy

Howlite is the third crystal in the Manifestation Crystal Series by Vika Bradford. Last week we worked with Pyrite, read more about it here. Vika Bradford is Mindset Coach located in the Okanagan, BC, who focuses on discovery, manifestation and healing. Find out more about Vika, and her work at


Balance, Clarity, and Calm

I know, I know. When you think about manifestation you picture sitting in a room in silence or maybe chanting your life away. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Manifestation is simply harnessing the universal energy to step into the epic and awesome life you’ve already created in your mind. By quantum physics standards, that life already exists. It’s your duty to yourself to step into that energy and begin up-leveling on a massive scale. Crystal Magic is one of the greatest tools we have available to us to begin to harness that energy. Over the next 8 weeks, I’ll be sharing with you my top crystals I use to manifest my goals and desires with. You can find even order these 8 crystals as a set here at and begin manifesting magic asap.

This week we’re chatting all about Howlite. I cannot say enough good things about this stone. I was very drawn to the look of Howlite originally. There is something extremely calming about its simplicity of white and black. 

Howlite is a stone of wisdom, awareness, and enlightenment. Through the aid of Howlite, you will come to understand yourself on a much deeper level as it reveals your true desires and needs. Manifestation works best when we truly know what it is we want and can ask the universe clearly for that desire.

Howlite is also an extremely calming stone. It reveals stress and anxiety, allowing you to be present in calm clarity. Manifestation is hindered by a lack mentality, and often this scarcity mindset can come from an anxious and overactive mind. Howlite will deliver a much-needed brain vacation so that you may work toward your goals and desires will full clarity. 

Speaking of clarity, Howlite can assist you in finding it. Often we are so focused on what we do not want, we manifest those exact people, situations, and things. Howlite brings clarity to the forefront, allowing you to clearly ask the universe for what you do want. Getting clear is a major step in Manifesting the life of your dreams. 



Ways to Use Howlite: 

Sleep: Sleep with Howlite under your pillow to have a peaceful, calm and relaxing night's sleep. When I sleep with a piece of Howlite under my pillow I find myself in a deep and dream aware state.

Limiting Beliefs: Howlite also aids you to let go of unhealthy attachments, such as limiting beliefs holding you back from harnessing the power of manifestation. Carry Howlite with you or use it in your meditations when you are releasing any belief or thought patterns holding you back from reaching your greatest potential. 

Toxic Feelings: Carry Howlite with you and allow skin contact if possible. Howlite will absorb negative feelings of anger, rage, and jealousy. Its balancing property is truly amazing.

Crown Chakra Visualization: Place Howlite above your head in meditation and visualization. Howlite's balancing energy will heighten awareness, allow you to access wisdom and bring you closer to enlightenment. Allow this guidance to help you find your purpose, and see it clearly in your mind's eye. Allow the calming properties to be your guide.

Use Howlite to access a calm, balance and enlightened state when Manifesting your dreams. And remember to cleanse your Howlite often as it absorbs a lot of negative energy quickly.


Photo courtesy of Vika Bradford.


Tell us how you intend to you Howlite in the future in the comments below.

We love hearing your thoughts! Keep your eyes on @Vikabradford for next week’s Manifestation selection.

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